Grading & Swales
Proper grading is effective and maintenance-free.
When you want a permanent drainage solution with no equipment to maintain, correcting the grade is the answer. Sometimes, the physical profile of your property channels water to places it doesn't belong. Re-grading specific areas is often the best way to correct the problem.
Grade corrections work, but they can be complex.
If a builder didn't get the grade right the first time, we'll get it right this time. Grade corrections might involve removing and replacing grass, excavating soil, locating utility lines, and laying new sod - it all depends on your situation. We might even construct a swale, a valley in the earth that naturally channels stormwater to a suitable location. Other grade corrections may benefit from retaining walls, steps, or walkways.

How Grading and Swales Help:
Channel water away from your home and yard without any mechanical equipment
Reduce ground saturation in yards and gardens
Permanent, maintenance-free drainage correction
Help protect your foundation from unwanted water intrusion
Eliminate problem water around your property
Function without mechanical parts that are prone to failure
When restrictions make grading difficult, we have other options.
Grading is often the best solution, but it's not always practical. If neighboring lots are responsible for stormwater accumulation on your property, we may install stormwater collection and removal systems instead of re-grading or creating swales.

When We Use Them

the Land
the Land

Stormwater Collection & Removal
Stormwater Collection & Removal