PVC Drain Lines
What They Are
Durable. Reliable. Long-lasting. Maintenance-free. SDR 35 thick-wall PVC piping is the best material for drainage system piping. Compared to the black, corrugated drain lines you're probably used to, our thick-wall PVC doesn't bend, sag, leak water, or get crushed. When properly installed, PVC drain lines will deliver decades of performance.
Key to an effective drainage system
We install PVC drain lines as part of a comprehensive drainage system designed to suit your property - and correct your drainage problems. Whether connected to downspouts, catch basins, or French drains, thick wall PVC piping moves three times as much water as typical corrugated drain lines of the same size, and last 20x as long, all with minimal to no maintenance.
Whenever your homes foundation, waterproofness, or structure depends on your drainage system, there should be no other consideration than proper SDR35 thick wall PVC for your drainage system.

Typical Corrugated Drain Lines
Moves a limited amount of water
Leach water at the fittings, encouraging root growth inside the pipe
Crush easily underground
Clog easily from sediment and solid material
Form “bellies” which trap sediment and further encourage clogging
Last only 3 to 8 years
Thick-Wall PVC Drain Lines
Move three times as much water as corrugated pipes of the same size
Use solvent welded fittings that don’t leach water
Don’t break under the weight of the soil
Move sediment and debris easily
Don’t sag or trap solid material inside the pipe
Tough, durable, and capable of lifetime performance
SDR-35 PVC has a life expectancy of over 100 years
When We Use Them

Stormwater Collection & Removal
Stormwater Collection & Removal

Custom PVC
Drainage Systems
Custom PVC
Drainage Systems

the Land
the Land